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Lesungen 2006 - Poets ahead!


32 authors from 32 countries are guests with (theatre)friends

32 poets build up a team for the endgame
Soccer is team sport, writing something for individuals. "Stücke ´06" takes the opportunity of this apparent discrepancy to invite authors from the participating countries at the Football World Cup before the starting whistle. Poets ahead! is not the order of a trainer, but the call for authors and playwrights to meet and get in close touch with the audience.
Soccer for many people is the game of life. Poets ahead! is an event with the greatest of ease, a meeting of many languages and numerous different authors.
On the first day we start off with a "qualifying tournament" enjoying matches of table-football. On the second day we put the focus on the presentation of scenes and stories in different rooms, (brevity is the soul of wit), and short passes of writing forwards and penalty scorers without defence and midfield. Their strength is not the overhead kick and the centre pass, but ideas and words which are developed by creative brains to hit the goal.
In the evening the "endgame" will gather the playwrights, poets, librettists and novelists in a team, presenting Samuel Beckett’s "Endgame" as a universal game lasting for 90 minutes. Then the night will begin together with friends. There will be music from the private archives of the authors. The ball will be opened and might end up in an ´extra time´. Poets ahead!

Ondjaki (Angola), Lola Arias (Argentinien), Ben Ellis (Australien), Newton Fábio Cavalcanti Moreno (Brasilien), Ana Istarú (Costa Rica), Christoph Nußbaumeder (Deutschland), Roberto Sánchez Cazar (Ecuador), Tanella Boni (Elfenbeinküste), Rachel Barnett (England), Philippe Malone (Frankreich), Oma Evans Hunter (Ghana), Naghemeh Samini (Iran), Pietro Floridia (Italien), Toshiki Okada (Japan), Miro Gavran (Kroatien), Jaime Chabaud Magnus (Mexiko), Erik-Ward Geerlings (Niederlande), Agustín Núñez (Paraguay), Michal Walczak (Polen), José Luís Peixoto (Portugal), Ahmed Abodehman (Saudi-Arabien), Cristina Gottfridsson (Schweden), Gerhard Meister (Schweiz), Ivan Pravdic (Serbien/Montenegro), Andreu Carandell Gottschewsky (Spanien), Lee Youn-taek (Südkorea), Kangni Alem (Togo), Rawle Gibbons (Trinidad /Tobago), Marek Horošcák (Tschechien), Ezzeddine Gannoun (Tunesien), Serhiy Zhadan (Ukraine), Tuvia Tenenbom (USA)

For the great support from all around the world we would like to thank the following:
Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Literatur aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika (Peter Ripken),
International Association of Theatre Critics (Ian Herbert, Sanja Nikcevic, Larry DeVine u.a.),
Theater- und Mediengesellschaft Lateinamerika e.V. (Almuth Fricke),
International Theatre Institut (Andrea Zagorski, Malgorzata Semil u.a.),
Bureau du Théâtre et de la Danse (Anne Fleckstein)
Erik Altorfer, Hartmut Becher, Penny Black, Leila Chammaa, Lamice el-Amari, Helena Endler, Thomas Geiger, Claudia Hamm, Guillermo Heras Toledo, Thomas Irmer, Alexandra Koch, Anja Krans, Louis McWilliams, Vera Sampaio Lemos, Laurent Muhleisen, Jukka-Pekka Pajunen, Nils Tabert, Salima Salih, Thomas Sauerteig, Max Schumacher, Petr Stedron
sowie Mitarbeitern der Botschaften vieler Länder

Official Programme with audience

1. WHISTLE FOR THE START (Saturday, June 3rd, 19 hrs.)
According to the matches of the WM the authors line up for a meeting-tournament:
Eased excitement with "kickers" (table football).

2. QUALIFYING / 1st MATCH (Sunday, June 4th, 16 - 17 hrs.)
All 32 poets are on stage with the moderator Rolf Dennemann.
Each author presents brief biographic information about him/her and his/her favourite piece of music. That can be done live (sung or instrumental) or by using media.

3. TOURNAMENT (Sunday, June 4th, 17.30 - 20 hrs.)
The authors present their works in 4 groups. Each group consists of 8 authors and a moderator announcing them. The audience decides which group they want to see. The author decides, in which form his/her 15-minutes minutes-presentation takes place. Versatility is asked.
For example: the authors read scenes of their works, perform it, present videos/dvd’s or a radio play, show quotations from productions, use text projections or else.

4. FINAL (Sunday, June 4th, 21 - 22.30 hrs.)
All 32 authors read Samuel Beckett’s "Endgame" in their native language. The reading is a multilingual collage. The German text is projected.

5. EXTRA TIME (Sunday, June 4th, from 23 hrs.)
The day ends up in a musical trip into the countries of origin of the authors, in a "ball of the poets" getting in touch with the audience.

Further informations:

Friday, June 2nd: Arrival day

Saturday, June 3rd: During day-time there is the possibility to try out the kickermachine and a rehearsal of the multilingual reading of Samuel Beckett’s "Endgame" with all 32 authors and Rolf Dennemann (Text Arrangement)

Monday, June 5th: There is a round-trip with our guests alongside the Industrial Heritage Trail across the Ruhr area: "Tour de Ruhr".

Monday, June 6th: Departure day

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