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  1. Dokumentation der Mülheimer Aktivitäten zum 70. Jahrestag des Atombombenabwurfs auf Hiroshima, die durch Mayors for Peace koordiniert wurden

    steht dauerhaft eine Gedenktafel (Siehe Anlage) **Please include photographs of the event or ...


  2. Wie überträgt sich das Virus?

    Robert-Koch-Institut sayfasından ve Federal Sıhhi Bilgilendirme Merkezinden alabilirsinız. How does the virus spread? Humans can intercept the corona virus (COVID-19) from other people with the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or ... mouth that spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or ... exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces and then touching their eyes, nose or ...

    admin - 27.03.2020 - 13:54 - muelheim-ruhr

  3. Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Schulsports in Mülheim an der Ruhr e. V.

    6 st ec ke n un d ab se nd en ! Ve re in d er F re un de u nd F ör de re r de s S ch ul sp or ts in M ... n de r R uh r e .V . Ha us d es S po rts Sü ds tra ße 2 3 D - 4 54 70 M ül he im a n de r R uh r Ve re in d er Fr eu nd e u nd Fö rd er er de s S ch ul sp or ...


  4. Kann ich als Arbeitnehmer einfach zuhause bleiben, weil ich Angst habe, mich anzustecken?

    İşverenin izni olmayınca evden çalışamaz. Virüse kapılmaktan endişeniz olsa bile işe gitmek zorundasınız. As an employee, can I just stay at home, because I am afraid of getting infected? No. Employees are not allowed to just stay at home or ... start working at Home Office out of their own accord. Also people afraid of getting infected on teh way to work or at the work place have to continue working. ...

    aloechte - 08.04.2020 - 13:20 - muelheim-ruhr

  5. OOMPH!

    sprengte Grenzen und machten sich hierzulande zum Inbegriff der stilistischen Wandlungsfähigkeit. Mit ihrem aktuellen Album "Truth Or ...

  6. Childcare

    offered by some elementary schools. Whether this option is provided at your preferred school, please ask directly at this school or visit the schools´ homepage. There are several programs offered at secondary schools in the ...

  7. Signpost for your health

    Whether doctor, hospital, nursing home or ...

  8. Ideenschatz der Charrette-Woche im März 2012

    u n g d er B ev öl ke ru n g B ei G en eh m ig u n g vo n G ew er b e au f Q u al it ät a ch te n B ew oh n er s ol lt en im V or ... b ot e au sb au en St ei ge ru n g d er B ek an n th ei t M ü lh ei m s d u rc h E ve n ts Fr ei ze it a n d er R u h r Sp or ... W oh n ra u m Se n ku n g d er M ie te n D is ko Sp ie lp la tz St är ku n g d es N ac h tl eb en s Ta n zc af é Sp or ...


  9. Kilometrierte Mülheimer Laufstrecken - hier die Laufstrecke Uhlenhorst

    Oemberg Oemberg Br oi ch er W al dw eg Br oi ch er W al dw eg Wedauer Straße Am Rittersporn M is pe lk am p Markenstraße Uhlenhorstweg Saarner Straße W or ...


  10. Elternmitteilung Englisch

    diet1. The right diet 2. Taking good care of your teeth2. Taking good care of your teeth 3. Fluoridation3. Fluoridation 4. Regular checking by your dentist4. Regular checking by your dentist To the child’s parents or guardians: Date ...


