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  1. Welche Symptome wurden bisher beobachtet?

    Fever, signs of an acute respiratory infection such as cough, sore throat or ...

    admin - 27.03.2020 - 13:51 - muelheim-ruhr

  2. Siedlung Mausegatt

    was easy to find and trained workers sought after a better life. Thus, if offered an increase in payment or ... it was decided that most of these houses should be renovated and sold but the residents formed an action group and won the rights to either buy them themselves or ... les autres, la dernière en date, en 1966, a été la 'Rosenblumendelle'. Les anciens mineurs durent chercher d'autres emplois, tout en restant  locataires de leurs maisons, qu'ils avaient en partie rénovées de leurs propres mains ...

    admin - 15.01.2024 - 09:04 - geo.muelheim-ruhr

  3. Schülerzeitung Con[tro]verse

    Schülerzeitung Con[tro]verse ... bereits Ende Januar 2009 die erste Ausgabe der neuen Mülheimer Schülerzeitung „con ... der ersten Ausgabe der con[tro]verse auf 1,90EUR für Schüler und 2,00EUR ...

  4. Ringlokschuppen

    a wide range of cultural offers- from concerts, theatre, cabaret, to exhibitions and other events, its open air stage is also an ideal platform for open-air-theatre or ...

    admin - 08.09.2021 - 15:03 - geo.muelheim-ruhr

  5. Wer zahlt den Verdienstausfall für unter häuslicher Quarantäne stehende Personen?

    by the Office of Public Health under the Infection Protection Act, the person concerned will continue to receive his or ...

    aloechte - 27.03.2020 - 13:52 - muelheim-ruhr

  6. Wann gilt man als geheilt?

    sputum (sputum) the detection can be carried out up to the eighth day after the infection (hence also droplet infection). According to this, no viruses capable of replication can be detected in urine, sputum or in the ...

    aloechte - 04.05.2020 - 09:05 - muelheim-ruhr

  7. Lesungen 2006- Poets ahead!

    presents brief biographic information about him/her and his/her favourite piece of music. That can be done live (sung or instrumental) or ... form his/her 15-minutes minutes-presentation takes place. Versatility is asked. For example: the authors read scenes of their works, perform it, present videos/dvd’s or ... a radio play, show quotations from productions, use text projections or ...

    mtheile - 24.03.2016 - 12:40 - muelheim-ruhr

  8. Airport-Projekt

    Traveler: We first went to Amsterdam and then to Germany, but we stayed here for a week. J.D.: Did you come here privately or ... have a nice time here? Traveler: Yes, we had. J.D.: Would you come back once again here? Traveler: Yes, I would. J.D.: How often do you fly? Traveler: Like 3 or 4 times a year. J.D.: Thank you ...

  9. Quarantäne- Was bedeutet das genau?

    Quarantine- What Does That Mean Exactly? The long-awaited Corona warning app for smartphones was published in early June, and new entry regulations have been in force since June 22. The topic of quarantine, domestic isolation or ... own home- for a certain time without contact with other people. The point is to interrupt the chains of infection. An ordered or ... the COVID-19 virus People who have taken a COVID-19 test and who have a positive result are considered to be infected and must remain in isolation at home as long as no or ...

    msprenge - 09.12.2020 - 16:44 - muelheim-ruhr

  10. Feste

    Stückefest am 31. Mai 2015, das ein vielseitiges Programm für die ganze Familie bot. Näheres rund um das Jubiläum, ... Theater, Kulinarischem und Begegnungen im schönen Ambiente des ehemaligen Solbades und des Raffelbergparks ein. Samstag, 23. Mai ... ab. Details zu den Künstlern finden Sie hier!   Samstag, 10. Mai 2008  Eine Mischung aus Musik, Zauberkunst, Theater und Lesung ...

    mtheile - 16.12.2020 - 13:19 - muelheim-ruhr

